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Academic Technology Solutions, LLC

Frequently Asked Questions

The Academic Technology Solutions, LLC (ATS-LLC) ATLAS is the third-generation of ATS-LLC's web-based capability. Months of time and effort were applied to bring ATLAS on line as a robust and scalable website. Navigation is all done with point-and-click mouse navigation.

Q: What is the ATS-LLC ATLAS?
A: ATLAS is a web-based service that is available only by paid subscription. It provides strategic insight into the IT planning and spending of US government agencies.

Q: How can ATLAS be used to grow my business?
A: ATLAS can be used to rapidly develop Account Plans focused on specific components within agencies, as well as gain insight into contracts that are expiring in the next 6 to 18 months. These insights include CIO comments on the status of targeted projects, who potential competition may be, how many bids were submitted for the last solicitation, set-aside status and activities performed under the contract. FedBizOpps notices can be analyzed for upcoming new opportunities, conferences and requests for information.

Q: Can I find spending trends of my agency's component organizations?
A: Yes, a three-year spending pattern is provided that shows the spending for both O&M and DME spending. ATLAS also shows what the projected OMB budgets for the current and out years.

Q: How does ATS-LLC update the information in ATLAS?
A: ATS-LLC has developed proprietary tools to extract data from multiple sources, clean and validate and upload the data into a database contained in ATLAS

Q: How do I get my query results from ATLAS?
A: Information contained in the web pages that have query results are exportable iin Excel file format for further analysis.

Q: Can I do text searches to find specific items of interest?
A: A rich set of search tools are provided to find specific terms in many of the functions. For example, if your company has a capability in cyber security, a search of "cyber" in the Exhibit 53 Function of ATLAS will produce a report of all the investments containing the search term "cyber".

Q: How often is the data updated?
A: Data is updated as new data from the government is available. Some data, such as Exhibit 53 and Exhibit 300 data, is only updated on an annual basis when the data is submitted by CIOs to OMB. FedBizOpps data is updated within 48 hours of publication on the government website.

Q: How much does ATLAS cost?
A: ATLAS is priced to be extremely competitive with rates materially lower than our competition. ATLAS subscriptions can be paid on a monthly basis with a minimum 6 month subscription contract.

Q: Can ATLAS be test driven?
A: Yes. A five day "try-before you subscribe" demo can be arranged by contacting ATS-LLC. All demos require an ATS-LLC signed non-disclosure agreement.