Academic Technology Solutions, LLC
Academic Technology Solutions, LLC, doing business as ATS-LLC has been in existence since 2001. The company is focused on providing small to medium sized business with strategic leverage in identifying and winning of federal government business opportunities in Information Technology.
ATLAS - The Third Generation for Strategic Advantage
This third generation of the ATLAS was built from the ground up to provide answers to critical business development questions posed by management such as:
- What opportunities are coming out in the next 6 to 18 months that are re-competes that we can go after with a reasonable probability of winning the business?
- How many bids were submitted the last time the contract was competed?
- What companies have work in our customer base that we can team with on upcoming opportunities as either a prime or a subcontractor so we can start the discussions early?
- What agency projects are in trouble from either a cost or schedule perspective that we can use to start a discussion with the appropriate customer leadership?
- What does the CIO say about his portfolio of projects?
- Have we distilled the FedBizOpps notices to find the nuggets that can help us identify new business opportunities?
When designing ATLAS, several key business development elements were fundamental to creating a compelling value proposition:
- Providing strategic advantage for our customers at an affordable price
- Linking of funding and business cases together with contracts and contract actions
- Linking what is being done on contracts with who is doing them and how everything fits into the overall agency IT strategy.
- Adjudicate ATLAS contract data against the FPDS for accuracy and completeness.
- Filter GSA Federal Business Opportunities notices to only those pertaining to Information Technology.